Locate your property

Use one of the following methods

Drop image here or click to upload


Projection Type

Attention! Krookie parsing process could not find any point. You can do the following to locate your property:
  • Upload higher quality image.
  • Make sure the coordinates are present and clear within the uploaded image.
  • Input the coordinates manually.
  • Ask for help from Oman Real support Contact us.
Edit coordinates
Coordinates are northing then followed by (space, tab, or comma) and then easting.One line for each corner.

Coordinates are northing then followed by (space, tab, or comma) and then easting.One line for each corner.

Export to KML

KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an application such as Google Earth

Please select a location on the map to export.
There was an error while exporting the property location to KML. Can you please try later or report this to support team.
Actions sheet
